Best wishes cards are great everyday celebration cards that can be used for many occasions. I love them because I can keep them on hand so that I'm never without a small token of celebration for any number of special events that come up for my family and friends. I...
What I learned about being an artist while traveling
It's been a bit too long since I last had my passport stamped--2016 in South Korea to be specific--so I'd forgotten how much traveling outside of my home culture and language can impact myself as an artist. I traveled to Oaxaca specifically as a solo business retreat and with the...
How to write a thank you card with kids
Writing thank you cards after receiving gifts is a life skill that kids can work on to build practices in empathy and gratitude that they'll carry into adulthood. Teaching children how to write thank you cards can be a fun activity, too! Here are a few suggestions on how to...
How to write a belated birthday card
Since I'm a card designer with a full stock of greeting cards always available to me, you might think that I'm always on top of sending out cards on time. This is not the case! Like many people I can be terrible at managing to be on time with greeting...
Yardia's favorite art materials
Every Yardia product starts out as one of my original watercolor paintings. I've been working with watercolor since I was a child, and it's always been my favorite medium to work with. I love how it has a mind of its own--as much as an artist might want to control...