You know you should reach out, but a text or email feels too impersonal. Sending a handwritten greeting card is a way to surprise the people who mean the most to you, and to offer empathy and gratitude in a meaningful way to the people who impact our everyday lives. Picking out the perfect card for each person is a fun treasure hunt in itself, and the card interior is the just the right amount for a short message that carries even more meaning when it's sent in the mail. Are you asking, who should I send a card to? Here are 5 people you should send a card to this month.
1. Send a card to your mom
You know you should get in touch, and think how pleased she'll be to receive an everyday note from you. My own mom loves to send and receive greeting cards for holidays and occasions, so returning the favor with a surprise greeting card just to say hi. Tell your mom what you've been up to this week, and when you hope to see her next. Here's one of my favorite punny cards for moms.
2. Send a card to your political representative
Got something on your mind about changes that can be made in your town, state or country? Want to encourage your senator or representative to support an issue you care about? How about expressing thanks for a bill they supported or an stand they took? Whether it's your representative in Congress or your mayor, public servants need to hear from their constituents. Here's where to find your congressional representative and your senator.
3. Send a card to your friend in another state
Some of my favorite cards to design and create are friendship cards to send to my best friends, especially to those who live in different states. I love to send them cards soon after having seen them when they've been in town, so they'll have a little reminder of Seattle when they return to their new home states and cities. I know how much I love receiving unexpected notes in the mail, and I know my friends appreciate them too. Two of my favorite friendship cards are the punny You're Sweet (Onion) card and the heartfelt Sisterhood card.
4. Send a card to a first responder, veteran, or the troops
I recently discovered Operation Gratitude, an organization that sends cards, letters and care packages to deployed troops, veterans, new recruits and first responders. What a great way to get in touch with our nation's military, or to help our kids connect with all the folks putting their lives on the line for our country. They even have tips on what to write if you're feeling stuck. Here's a thank you card to express mountains of gratitude.
5. Send a card to your child's teacher
Having been a schoolteacher for over ten years, some of my most treasured gifts from students have been handwritten cards of gratitude. I've saved the most meaningful ones, and have saved cards from parents, too. Write a letter to your child's teacher, or have your child write one, too, to tell the teacher what you appreciate about them, or the different you've seen in your child's life. It's a simple step that really makes a difference to the teacher, especially in the long days leading up to the end of the school year. Here's a springtime thank you card any teacher would be delighted to receive.
So there you have it: 5 people you should send greeting cards to this month. Who else will you send a card to? Find the perfect greeting card for your heartfelt message in the Yardia shop.
Find the perfect card.