Now that we're over halfway through 2023, here's a throw back: did you choose a word of the year (and do you remember it)? My word for 2023 is Root, and I selected it as a symbol that combined concepts of contentment and growth in my mind.
The year has truly shaped up to be one of getting grounded in strengthening the roots of Yardia, all the systems and structures that help it to run smoothly, and in the ways that work best for my style.
That's meant doing things like:
🌼Painting botanical illustrations as the base element of all my products, (not just art prints as they had been in the past)
🌱Taking time to learn and implement automated systems for the wholesale outreach and sales arm of the business
🌿Hiring a bookkeeper and accountant to ease the financial work off my plate
🪴Getting in touch with what really matters to me by experimenting with a social media hiatus
🌳Setting strong boundaries for my workday hours, but also paying attention to my energy levels and adding naps and walks into the work day too.
The word root and themes of being rooted or rooting folks on has been coming up a lot in my professional conversations lately (including during a recent podcast interview that ought to be coming out sometime this fall). How appropriate that my word of the year would want me to check in with it now that we're halfway through.
So, if you chose a word to guide your year, perhaps this can serve as a reminder to check back in and reflect on it as well!